Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Tooth and new foods!

Little Tully has broken his first tooth! We never would have known since he hasn't really been fussy at all - Pat felt it and now it is really coming through enough to see. We haven't been able to get a picture yet - Tully doesn't cooperate much when we say "Tully, show us that tooth!"

Tully is also enjoying all of the new foods that mommy is making for him! Brett told me about the Beaba Babycook food processor; so we got it - and its great! I have made 20 plus jars of sweet potatoes, pears, apples and green beans! He also enjoys oatmeal and bananas for breakfast. No problems with the new foods - he seems to enjoy them all :)

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