Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

All the Grandkids: Livi, Brent, Tully and Claire

Less than amused by this whole thing...

the whole family

with Grandma Suzie

in the wagon with Claire

Poppi Rudy, Tully and Claire

Patrick, Tully, Alexis and our tree!

Mommy and a stuffed Tully

Packed in tight to the jogger

On Saturday, Tully experienced his first Christmas tree outing! The whole family goes to a tree farm in Conowingo and chops down our own trees. It was very, very cold, but the snowsuit (and three layers of clothing) kept little Tully nice and toasty! He looked a little confused with the whole thing, ("Why is it sooooooo cold? And why does Mommy keep taking my picture near this big green bush?") but I think he had a good time anyway.

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