Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jumper Happy

Renee and Clint loaned us their jumpy seat, and Tully loves it! He jumps and laughs and smiles; it is a great new thing for him to do :)

Tully and his new friend

Watching the party from the sidelines

"Hey Braden, look at my shoes..."

"Look into my eyes..."


"Let me hold your hand..."

Tully went to Sabrina's 4th Birthday party and made a new friend, Angie's daughter, Braden. We tried getting some pictures of the two of them sitting nicely, but Tully was determined to maul Braden and eat her hair, or at least grab a fistful!

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

All the Grandkids: Livi, Brent, Tully and Claire

Less than amused by this whole thing...

the whole family

with Grandma Suzie

in the wagon with Claire

Poppi Rudy, Tully and Claire

Patrick, Tully, Alexis and our tree!

Mommy and a stuffed Tully

Packed in tight to the jogger

On Saturday, Tully experienced his first Christmas tree outing! The whole family goes to a tree farm in Conowingo and chops down our own trees. It was very, very cold, but the snowsuit (and three layers of clothing) kept little Tully nice and toasty! He looked a little confused with the whole thing, ("Why is it sooooooo cold? And why does Mommy keep taking my picture near this big green bush?") but I think he had a good time anyway.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sneak Peek of Professional Pics

I was able to download some lo-res pics from the portrait sitting - enjoy!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting Ready for Tully's First Photo Shoot

We had Tully's Christmas photo taken tonight - so last night we got him dressed up for a little test shoot - the pictures taken by the photographer are much better! He didn't really pose for me, and my angle makes him look like bigfoot...Can't wait to get the professional pics back!

Let it Snow!

We are going to chop down our Christmas tree on Saturday, so we had to be sure Tully would be nice and cozy - so we tried his snowsuit on...he is drowning it it, but at least he'll be warm! He was ok in it for a few minutes, but he got cranky after taking a few pics...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Tooth and new foods!

Little Tully has broken his first tooth! We never would have known since he hasn't really been fussy at all - Pat felt it and now it is really coming through enough to see. We haven't been able to get a picture yet - Tully doesn't cooperate much when we say "Tully, show us that tooth!"

Tully is also enjoying all of the new foods that mommy is making for him! Brett told me about the Beaba Babycook food processor; so we got it - and its great! I have made 20 plus jars of sweet potatoes, pears, apples and green beans! He also enjoys oatmeal and bananas for breakfast. No problems with the new foods - he seems to enjoy them all :)

Sunday with Family

On Sunday afternoon we went to Grandma Suzie and Poppi Rudy's and met up with Clint, Renee, Brent Claire and Livi. The kids all had fun running around, and Tully loved watching them play. It was gorgeous weather to be outside!