Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Pics of Tully 2010 fall and winter

With Claire, Livi, Brent and Um at Thanksgiving at the kiddie table
With Mommy and Daddy on Christmas Eve

Checking out Poppi Rudys cane

Happy Tully laughing with Grandma Suzy

Waiting to get his picture taken with that same sweater - we got our moneys worth out of that one...

Christmas 2010

All those presents just for Tully at Pop Pop and Grandma Lucys! He's been a GREAT boy this year!
Trying to get the great family shot...

Playing with Poppi Rudy's train set (destroying it.... Sorry Poppi Rudy!)

Christmas morning - taking a look at his new kitchen, maze from Grandma Suzy, drum set...I could go on for days - this is a very fortunate little boy!

Tully had a wonderful Christmas with his cousins and family. I dont think he understands the concept of Santa yet - I'm hoping next year will be the year!