Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm a Big Boy - Standing in My Crib!

Tully crawls around and pulls up on the furniture, and the other day he pulled himself up in the crib - and now he does it all the time - jumping and laughing!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Crabbie pool...I Mean Bath, Its a BATH, Tully!

We tricked tully into thinking his new little pool was a new bathtub - he liked it more than the pool from the previous day!

Pool time...Uh..NO!

I thought it would be so fun to take Tully into the Pool at the Memorial day cookout at Keith's house. Tully didn't think it was so fun... The next day, Patrick and I pretended to give him a bath in his Crabbie Pool...we tricked him! He liked it this time...