Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tully's Christening

"I just don't know...crabcake or steak...ugh...decisions..."

Getting some love from cuz Brent and Livi

"I did it!"

"I got this daddy, Let me go..."

The man of the hour with daddy "I know this is
about me somehow, I just don't know what yet..."

A great day for the McInerney family - Tully's Christening! Clint and Renee are his Godparents, and all of Tully's family came to support him. We are so proud of Tully - he was a little angel in church, and looked great in his Sunday best!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Only Motor Bike Tully will Ever ride

Daddy bought Tully his first Motor Bike / Quad. This will be the only quad he will ever that, Tully?

Kinder Park Farm

Looking into the pen of a HUGE black cow

I guess not as exciting as the cow in the barn...

Ride 'em cowboy!

Bah bah sort of black sheep...

The biggest rabbit I've ever can't see it, but it was the size of a medium sized dog...

Tully and Daddy by the silo

Looking at the goats

Daddy teaching Tully about the cows - adorable pic

We took Tully to Kinder Park Farm so he could get some animal close-ups. It wasnt a petting zoo, but Tully really enjoyed seeing all of the animals in their farm setting.

Lil' Super Hero

Flying to the rescue!

Chasing Superman around the room...I'm gonna get ya!

Some of Tully's best times are had giggling in nothing but a diaper and a t-shirt. We love pretending that he is superman, complete with red cape (a bib) or Batman..I'm working on some accesories for that action figure...