Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

My Big Truck

Aunt Gypsy came for a visit and gave Tully this great truck - he loves it!

Party till ya just cant party no more!

Tully had a great time at Lauryn's birthday party - he played on the rides and saw a lot of friends!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Walk in the Park

This was a walk through the woods 2 weeks ago - Planes flew overhead, bikers rang their bells, and a jogger nealry ran us over...Tully slept through all of it.

Still sleeping...

This weekend, we did another walk - but this time he stayed awake!

Whew! That ride made me thirsty! Why is my Mommy laying on the pavement?

Tully and Mommy walked around Centennial Lake while Daddy fished with his buddies. Tully was great for 99% of the walk, but started to get cranky towards the end. Maybe he was tired of sun shining in his eyes, or maybe he was tired of hearing Mommy panting and gasping for air in the background! I see many walks in the near future to get Mommy in better shape!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Some Random Pics - March 2010

Here are some random pics of Tully at Grandma Suzanne's house - so cute!