Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Fun Day with Grandma Lucy!

Sunday was a great day - we went to visit Grandma Lucy. Tully had a great time playing and scooting around, and trying to catch Trixie.

First Shopping Cart Ride

We have carted King Tully around in his stroller for long enough! It was time to try him out in teh shopping cart at Home Depot. He loved it, especially when he tried licking the handle of the cart....eewwwhhh!!! That's our boy!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sittin in the Sun

We had a great Saturday and ended it with a trip to Um's house for a little visit - we stripped tully out of his hot jeans and let him play in the yard - I'm not sure he liked the feel of the grass - he made faces when he touched it...

Monday, March 15, 2010

My Little Animal mural

I saw these adorable little painted decals at the store and thought they would be perfect along Tully's changing table - something to look at and talk about during those pleasant changes! I think they turned out really cute-

Don't bother me...cartoons are on...

Tully sat back watching some cartoons last night while pat and I got ready for another hectic work week. When you turn on Nick Jr, he's a little blob in the chair-