Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, February 19, 2010

How Tully's Growing

Lets see... He eats everything you feed him - and wants whatever you have! Along with the staples of pureed veggies, fruits and meats, Tully has tried little bites of noodles, cake frosting and pork chop (that was Pats doing...) He also loves to drink out of a glass when he sees you doing it - and actually, he's pretty good at it too!

Tully is 7-1/2 months old and is wearing 9 month clothing - tall and lean!

He loves to give high-fives and claps and says "yaaay!" Tully is starting to backwards crawl - kind of like the military crawl...last night we watched him back-crawl under the swing, into a corner - and he was all smiles doing it!

Tully loves to temp Vinnie, our dog, into coming over and licking him in the face - then Tully tries to grab him by the scruff, which has now taught Vinnie to beware of those tiny, chubby fingers! Unfortunately, now Vinnie loves to run over and "power-lick" Tully, almost blinding him until we run over and stop it. I'm not sure, but I think Tully actually likes this...

Tully's favorite toy is his monkey; he sleeps with it and travels with it, and lights up whenever we bring the stuffed animal out.

Playing at Grandmas House!
Examining his toy
So serious!

Grandma Suzie got these pics of Tully at her house the other afternoon - enjoy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just taking PIctures...the blizzard continues

Get my good side- foot... a tasty treat!

Something on the floor has caught his attention...

Tully and Mortimer the Moose

So we are still snowed in - but at least we have power and food and Tully to entertain us!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

North Pole Pics

Pat dug out the car - but nobody came to plow our street
Snow up to the top of Patricks truck tire---wheres the street? Wheres our lawn?
Pop Pops Van in the back - more like a mountain!
Come and eat with us at our table on the porch - and put up the umbrella...jeese
Some pictures from our first storm...

Icebergs-a - Plenty

This snow is ridiculous! Tully has been a great sport about it - playing inside and watching daddy shovel from the window...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Trapped in the House!

The great blizzard has trapped us inside for the weekend -30 inches of snow! Here are some pics of Tully playing :) I have more - but need to get them off my new phone... still reading the handbook...arrggh

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Parents are Weirdos

Poor baby, smushed between 2 matching weirdos
Hi, I'm Patrick, and I steal babies...

thanks Pat

Tully after a few drinks

Help! She's scaring me!!!!!!!!

Trying to get a picture with Tully smiling and you looking normal compared to his cute-ness is nearly impossible. I tried and clearly cant work the camera (I'm so blurry?) and Patrick thinks its so funny to make funny faces in every picture we (try) to take as a family...arrggh!

What a Winter...More Snow

Baltimore is getting hit hard this winter with more than its usual share of snow. We put Tully at the window for him to take a look outside since he sees so little of it!

My New Shoes and My Dirty Self

Bad to the bone!...In my Little Lamb swing...
Lets try these on...

Stick my tongue out at you!

Tully got some cool new shoes, but Mommy neglected to clean him up after his meal before taking pictures. Whoops...!

Daddy and I Match!

Just to be clear - these are NOT top teeth - just a weird little bubble in his mouth that looks like grayish weird!
Daddy and Tully ready to go fishing!

Awww!!! so cute!

Lets go Daddy! I'm ready to hook the big one!

We found the greatest little camo fishing hat for Tully to wear with Daddy this spring -