Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sweet Potatos...Not So Sweet

Tully tried sweet potatos for the first time - it was hilarious! He made such silly faces, but kept eating them, so we're not sure if he liked them or not. The pictures are backwards, but you can tell by the messy face he was spitting more of it out as we kept trying to feed him, and he realized he wasn't sure if he liked these "sweet" potatoes! We'll eat these for a few days, then try something else.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Crowd Pleaser

Christy, Pedro and Brendan are here and we had a nice little visit with them the night they arrived. Tully really got a kick out of all the new faces.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Rockin' Roller

Just a few silly pics of Tully sitting and laughing in his Bumbo seat - we sit him up with us and do every stupid thing imaginable trying to get him to laugh and smile - even the dog tries...yes... we have become those idiot people...

Playdate with Harper

Brett and Harper had Tully over for a playdate! It was a lot of fun to see the babies interact - although Tully can't sit up on his own, Harper gladly played with him as he lounged in the Boppy pillow. Harper really seemed taken with having another little person in the house, but Tully looked confused!

Rice Cereal

So since Tully is a little on the tiny side (13 pounds at his 4 month appointment), the pediatrician suggested starting him on rice cereal...Tully doesn't seen so thrilled with the idea. The first night went ok, but whether or not he will eat the rice cereal any other time depends on his mood :) Mommy has taken to wearing a blanket while feeding Tully, as the spit has covered many a shirt! He is clearly more interested in eating his hand, although he does look quite pleased with himself when he ate in the swing.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Air Jordans

Halloween Day and Tully already had an accident in his Halloween shirt, so we changed him into his cute little striped shirt, jeans and Air Jordans...what a playa! Cuddled with Daddy for a little while, then we went over to Grandma Suzannes to make homemade soup and take a nice walk in the warm fall weather.

Diaper Baby

Just taking a few random pics of Tully on the changing table. His shirt was soaked from all of the drooling, and as you can see, his hand has become a permanent fixture in his mouth...I think we're entering teething!