Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A boy and his dog...

Dixie can be a bit wild at times, but we're growing to love her...I guess.... She loves Tully and Patrick; Alexis and Vinnie...not so much!

2nd Bday -Tully Pics 2011

Its been a long time!

Happy Halloween 2011 - I haven't posted picsof Tully in a long time - so I'm trying to get back into it! Tully was a pirate this year...Aye Matey! He was much more comfortable with the concept of Trick or Treating this year, although he did leave the candy behind at more than one house.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Pics of Tully 2010 fall and winter

With Claire, Livi, Brent and Um at Thanksgiving at the kiddie table
With Mommy and Daddy on Christmas Eve

Checking out Poppi Rudys cane

Happy Tully laughing with Grandma Suzy

Waiting to get his picture taken with that same sweater - we got our moneys worth out of that one...

Christmas 2010

All those presents just for Tully at Pop Pop and Grandma Lucys! He's been a GREAT boy this year!
Trying to get the great family shot...

Playing with Poppi Rudy's train set (destroying it.... Sorry Poppi Rudy!)

Christmas morning - taking a look at his new kitchen, maze from Grandma Suzy, drum set...I could go on for days - this is a very fortunate little boy!

Tully had a wonderful Christmas with his cousins and family. I dont think he understands the concept of Santa yet - I'm hoping next year will be the year!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

Its a bird! Its a plane! Its Tully McInerney!

Tully went trick-or-treating for the first time this year! It was a lot of fun, and Superman made all of us smile!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Family Fall Day

Tully being serious
Having fun on the little boat ride...wheeee!

Tully and Poppi Rudy... and the bee on Rudys finger!

Ooohh...too many choices

Grandma! I found you!

Tully and the Great Pumpkin

Sitting on the hay with Granma Suzie

Patrick and I took Tully, Grandma Suzie and Poppi Rudy to Homestead Gardens to get a pumpkin and do some fall-time activities...the place was packed! We basically just walked around and took some pictures, and left and got a pumpkin elsewhere.